
Sprawling Campus

Sprawling in 7 acre campus ahead of Morampudi the green environs all around the campus merges beautifully with the landscaping surroundings.

Hi-Tech Computers

Multimedia, Digital Library, Internet, Power Point Presentations, Web Designing, Animation, Program Writing are all a regular part of learning at TRIPS.

Smart Classes

Labs having fixed LCDs and computers which are used by the science and mathematics teachers for regular teaching. Teachers give live practical demonstrations of all concepts in the lab as well as animated explanations using smart boards.

Sporting Facilities

Extensive sports complex with premium play courts, track and field with wide open gallery skirting the grounds. Facilities include Synthetic Tennis court, Football Ground, Badminton Courts, Cricket Practice nets, Skating Rink, BasketBall Court, Volleyball court, Throwball court and shot-Put Arena.

Huge Amphitheater

Huge air conditioned amphitheater cum activity hall that can accommodate 500 students. Dance and music halls along with vast variety of musical instruments.


Eight well equipped laboratories for Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computers, English and  Home Science for primary and high School.